Journals for Justice was founded in April 2023 by a queer, cis, white, middle-class, aspiring liberationist in Vermont after ongoing challenges related to fundraising for liberation efforts such that were meaningful and provided direct, immediate support to people furthest from justice. 

While J4J recognizes that this effort is woven into consumerism and capitalism, those realities of our society are some of the kinds of systems that take a long time to change. Meanwhile, people continue to suffer right now. Therefore, J4J is rooted in the idea that there are things white people and people with close proximity to privilege can do RIGHT NOW to make things better for people while concurrently working toward global liberation and dismantling of oppressive systems. 

All of the time and energy related to J4J is completely unpaid so that 100% of profits from every single journal sold go directly to the current J4J identified effort.